Walmark Varixinal 50 - 30 Tabs

These tablets feature a herbal formula designed to effectively reduce inflammation and swelling while simultaneously strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

SKU: 1222575

Delivery date: Within an hour
735 EGP



Walmark Varixinal 50 - 30 Tabs

Walmark Tablets feature a unique blend of herbal extracts designed for cases of hemorrhoids and varicose veins, aiming to enhance and stimulate blood circulation.
These tablets include Aescin, an extract derived from the horse chestnut herb, known for its ability to improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation and swelling associated with varicose veins, offering relief.
The Vitamin C in the tablet formula provides antioxidant properties and contributes to collagen formation, crucial for maintaining blood vessel function. It also plays a role in protecting and strengthening the walls of blood vessels weakened by hemorrhoids. Additionally, Vitamin C helps prevent constipation, which may alleviate hemorrhoid symptoms.
Walmark tablets are enriched with Ruscogenin, a substance that effectively reduces inflammation and strengthens veins and small blood vessels. Furthermore, the inclusion of Centella Asiatica enhances blood flow to the blood vessels.

Active ingredients:
Aescin, Ruscogenin, Vitamin C, Centella Asiatica , Anthocyanidins and Hesperidin.

These tablets are used in cases of:
• Swelling and inflammation resulting from varicose veins and leg ulcers.
• Hemorrhoids and thrombophlebitis.
• Anal surgery (acute fissures).
• Inflammation resulting from sports injuries and surgeries.

How to use:
• The tablets are used according to the doctor's instructions
1- Swelling resulting from injuries: one tablet three times daily.
2- Chronic venous insufficiency: two pills daily.
3- Acute hemorrhoid attack: according to the doctor’s advice.

More information:
• Do not exceed the recommended dose.
• Consult your doctor before using these tablets if you have any health concerns.
• Consult your doctor if you plan to use the tablets for more than 8 weeks.

Made in

Quantity: 30 Tabs.

Store at room temperature


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