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Gestophil Progesterone 15 Vaginal Suppositories

Vaginal suppositories are used in cases of puerperal depression, and premenstrual syndrome

SKU: 1221796

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3.930 KD

Gestophil Progesterone 15 Vaginal Suppositories

Gestophil Vaginal suppositories consist mainly of progesterone, one of the steroidal female hormones that regulate the function of the female reproductive system.
Gestophil suppositories restore the natural hormonal balance in the body.
Vaginal suppositories relieve the symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome and the symptoms of the menstrual cycle, as the concentration of the progesterone hormone decreases shortly before the menstrual cycle.
Gestophil suppositories contribute to the treatment of postpartum depression, as the level of progesterone decreases after childbirth, causing feelings of stress, depression, and anxiety.
Progesterone suppositories increase the chances of pregnancy, which makes them suitable for use in cases of infertility and recurrent miscarriages.

Active ingredients:

Progesterone Vaginal Suppositories are used in cases of:
• Premenstrual syndrome and the accompanying feeling of tension and depression.
• Puerperal depression.
• Recurrent miscarriage and infertility.

How to use:
Gestophil suppositories are used vaginally, according to the doctor's instructions.
• In premenstrual syndrome, Gestophil is used on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle until the start of the next period.
• If symptoms appear during ovulation, vaginal suppositories should be used on the 12th day.

Side effects:
• Gradual leakage may occur when using Gestophil suppositories.
• There may be some changes in the date of the menstrual cycle, such as early or late periods.
• The occurrence of diarrhea and increased gases.

• It should be used with caution in cases of liver disease.
• It is recommended to adhere to the dose recommended by the doctor and not to increase it.

• Do not use in cases of vaginal bleeding or sensitivity.

Made in:

15 Vaginal Suppositories

Store at room temperature.


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